The mission of Children’s Ministry at Compass Bible Church Tustin is to make disciples of Jesus Christ (Matthew 28:19-20). Therefore, we are devoted to laying a solid, biblical foundation in the life of every Compass Kid teaching and training them to know, love and serve God.
Children’s Ministry at Compass Bible Church Tustin offers a safe and fun environment for children to learn about God and his word. We do this through effective, engaging and age-appropriate teaching of the Bible in every classroom from infants-6th grade. We teach through lessons, song, verse memorization, crafts, games, skits, puppet shows, and much more!
Each of our volunteers goes through an application process that includes a written testimony, national background check, references that are called upon and a commitment to attend on-going training. All of our Children’s Ministry volunteers have a love for God and a desire to train up the next generation to know him, love him, and serve him! Our teachers are provided with curriculum that is geared toward the specific ages of the children in their classrooms.
Pastor Nate was born and raised in Southern California and has been attending Compass Bible Church since high school. He previously worked as a department manager at Whole Foods and received a BS in Aeronautical Engineering from Cal State Long Beach. He is currently working on his MDiv. He oversees all of Children’s Ministry (Weekend services, Foundations, Compass FiveSix, and all events for infants - 6th Grade), as well as the Young Adults Ministry. He has a passion for taking every opportunity to partner with parents in teaching the truth of God's word to their children. He and Elise have been married since 2013 and have three children, Abigail, Silas, and Eden.
Malina Brewer
Children’s Ministry Coordinator
Malina is married to Stephen and they have three children Max, Zoe and Levi. She has attended Compass Bible Church Tustin since its inception and has worked in Children’s Ministry since 2009 at Compass Bible Church of Aliso Viejo. She has experience working with all age ranges of children, including students with special needs, and looks forward to working alongside and supporting the Children’s Ministry team in laying a solid biblical foundation for our Compass Kids.
The Generations of Grace curriculum is adapted for our youngest CBC'rs by taking the main theme or part of the Bible being taught to the older children and focusing on it for the entire month. Within that month the same lesson is taught, but different activities, coloring pages, etc. are used each week to reinforce learning. This accomplishes the repetition necessary for learning at the children's stage of development.
The Generations of Grace curriculum offers a survey of the entire Bible throughout the course of 3 years. Beginning in Genesis and ending in Revelation, our Compass Kids will receive an exciting look at the biblical narrative and will see God’s incredible plan of salvation in Christ Jesus that is woven throughout biblical history.
Music is a powerful tool to utilize in teaching kids. Our music team in Kids Ministry is committed to utilizing this powerful tool, in partnership with our dynamic Bible lessons, to teach children about who God is. Each song is carefully and thoughtfully chosen to assure theological accuracy while also being fun and appealing for kids.
Whether your child is an infant, 6th grader, or anything in between, they will receive a time of music during every service. While our youngest CBC’rs (infants-3s) stay in their classrooms for music time, our 4 year olds-6th graders participate in a corporate time of singing, dancing (hand motions) and learning about our great God.